Career Certificate Studies
Purpose: This curriculum is designed to academically prepare students to apply for the restricted admissions AAS Occupational Therapy Assistant program and to gain a job ready skill in health professions. Competencies include health, safety and nutrition, understanding child growth and development, learning environment, effective interactions, program management, teacher qualifications, and professional development curriculum. Students should be aware that completion of this program does not guarantee admission into the Occupational Therapy Assistant, A.A.S. program.
Program Objectives: Employment opportunities include positions in childcare centers, Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms, family day care homes, preschool programs, centers for children with special needs, residential childcare facilities, and industry associated centers.
Admission Requirements: Applicants must meet the requirements for admission to credit-level coursework established by the college. Students should review the program specific admissions requirements for the restricted admission AAS in Occupational Therapy Assistant before starting this program.
Placement Requirements: Students who do not demonstrate readiness for college-level English will be required to select appropriate EDE 10 or ENG 111 /EDE 11* coursework in consultation with an advisor.
Students who do not demonstrate readiness for the college-level math will be required to select appropriate MDE coursework in consultation with an advisor.
Program Notes:
- Students must maintain a grade of C or better in all courses in order to qualify for admittance into the restricted admission program.
- A “C” or better is not required to complete this CSC.
- Students can be placed in only one Health Professions Intro to… Career Studies Certificate. However, students can apply to more than one selective admissions health profession program. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor.
- Students planning to apply for the AAS restricted admissions health programs should be aware that any grade lower than a “C” will not meet the requirements of those programs. It is advised that any course repeats to improve grades be done while in the Pre-Health CSC before applying to the AAS program.
- In order to successfully complete the AAS programs, all courses require a grade of “C” or better for completion. Upon admission to one of the AAS selective admissions health programs, students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures of their individual program as it may affect their program progression.