Career Studies Certificate
Purpose: This curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to perform higher-level medical office functions.
Program Objectives: Employment opportunities include positions in health-related agencies such as physician’s practices, hospital billing and coding departments, and insurance companies.
Admission Requirements: Applicants must meet the requirements for admission to credit-level coursework established by the college. It is recommended that students enroll in the CSC Medical Office Specialist prior to enrolling in the CSC Advanced Medical Office Specialist. Students must receive credit for AST 101 , which is included in the CSC Medical Office Specialist, prior to starting the CSC in Advanced Medical Office Specialist.
Placement Requirements: Students who do not demonstrate readiness for college-level English will be required to select appropriate EDE 10 or ENG 111 /EDE 11* coursework in consultation with an advisor.
Students who do not demonstrate readiness for the college-level math will be required to select appropriate MDE coursework in consultation with an advisor.