Career Studies Certificate
Purpose: This curriculum is an introduction to the field, designed to provide entry-level competencies documented by Virginia’s Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals. These competencies include health, safety and nutrition, understanding child growth and development, appropriate child observation and assessment, partnering with families and community, learning environment, effective interactions, program management, teacher qualifications and professional development curriculum.
Program Objectives: Employment opportunities include positions in childcare centers, Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms, family day care homes, preschool programs, centers for children with special needs, residential childcare facilities and industry associated centers.
Admission Requirements: Applicants must meet the requirements for admission to credit-level coursework established by the college.
Program Notes: All required courses also apply towards the AAS degree in Early Childhood Development.
To be eligible for placement in CHD 165 students must:
- Submission to and no findings for The State of Virginia Criminal History & Sex Offenders Records Check (SP-167) and the Virginia Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. Students must also sign and complete the Sworn Statement or Affirmation for Child Day Programs.
- Documentation of a negative TB screening.
Each student is responsible for any fees or costs associated with background checks. Students are responsible for transportation to and from field sites used for laboratory experiences. Inability to complete the above or contrary results will disqualify the student from completing the course and the program.