2017-18 Virginia Western Academic Catalog 
    Dec 03, 2024  
2017-18 Virginia Western Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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Humanities/Fine Arts ELE - Humanities/Fine Arts AS Elective

(3 CR)

Any of the following Humanities/Fine Arts Electives may satisfy this requirement at Virginia Western. If you plan to transfer, please consult with an advisor or prospective four-year institutions before selecting electives.

ART 101 History and Appreciation of Art I 3 CR  

ART 102 History and Appreciation of Art II 3 CR  

ART 121 Drawing I 3 CR  

ART 122 Drawing II 3 CR  *

ART 131 Fundamentals of Design I 3 CR  

ART 132 Fundamentals of Design II 3 CR  *

ART 243 Watercolor I 3 CR  *

ART 244 Watercolor II 3 CR  *

CST 130 Introduction to the Theatre 3 CR  

ENG 241 Survey of American Literature I 3 CR  *

ENG 242 Survey of American Literature II 3 CR  *

ENG 243 Survey of English Literature I 3 CR  *

ENG 244 Survey of English Literature II 3 CR  *

ENG 251 Survey of World Literature I 3 CR  *

ENG 252 Survey of World Literature II 3 CR  *

FRE 101 Beginning French I 4 CR  

FRE 102 Beginning French II 4 CR  *

FRE 201 Intermediate French I 3 CR  *

FRE 202 Intermediate French II 3 CR  *

HUM 201 Survey of Western Culture I 3 CR  

HUM 202 Survey of Western Culture II 3 CR  

MUS 121 Music Appreciation I 3 CR  

MUS 122 Music Appreciation II 3 CR  

PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy I 3 CR  

PHI 220 Ethics 3 CR  

PHT 101 Photography I 3 CR  

REL 200 Survey of the Old Testament 3 CR  

REL 210 Survey of the New Testament 3 CR  

REL 230 Religions of the World 3 CR  

REL 231 Religions of the World I 3 CR  

REL 232 Religions of the World II 3 CR  

SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I 4 CR  

SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II 4 CR  *

SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3 CR  *

SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II 3 CR  *

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