2021-22 Virginia Western Academic Catalog 
    Sep 26, 2024  
2021-22 Virginia Western Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Type of Course:

Each course is categorized by type in the course description using the following definitions.

  • Intended for Transfer: Courses that are intended to transfer to a four-year college or university. Please check with your intended four-year institution to determine transferability.
  • Passport Transfer Class: Courses that are intended for transfer and are guaranteed to transfer as part of the 16 credits of General Studies Passport to Virginia’s public colleges and universities.
  • Not-Intended for Transfer: Courses that were designed to prepare students for careers rather than for transfer. While these courses were not developed to transfer, some do. Please check with your intended four-year institution for transferability.
  • Program Requirement: This course is intended to satisfy a program requirement rather than prepare students for careers or to transfer.

Other Courses



  • ACC 123 - TEST

    (1 CR)
  • Course Outline

    ACC 124* - Payroll Accounting

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 1* MTE 2* , and MTE 3*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation   

    Description: Presents accounting systems and methods used in computing and recording payroll to include payroll taxes and compliance with federal and state legislation. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 211* - Principles of Accounting I

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 1* , MTE 2*  and MTE 3*  

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer  

    Description: Introduces accounting principles with respect to financial reporting. Demonstrates how decision makers use accounting information for reporting purposes. Focuses on the preparation of accounting information and its use in the operation of organizations, as well as methods of analysis and interpretation of accounting information. Lecture 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 212* - Principles of Accounting II

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 211*  

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer  

    Description: Introduces accounting principles with respect to cost and managerial accounting. Focuses on the application of accounting information with respect to product costing, as well as its use within the organization to provide direction and to judge performance. Lecture 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 215* - Computerized Accounting

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 1* MTE 2* , and MTE 3*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation   

    Description: Introduces the computer in solving accounting problems. Focuses on operation of computers. Presents the accounting cycle and financial statement preparation in a computerized system and other applications for financial and managerial accounting. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 221* - Intermediate Accounting I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 212*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation   

    Description: Covers accounting principles and theory, including a review of the accounting cycle and accounting for current assets, current liabilities and investments. Introduces various accounting approaches and demonstrates the effect of these approaches on the financial statement users. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 261* - Principles of Federal Taxation I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 1* MTE 2* , and MTE 3*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation   

    Description: Presents the study of federal taxation as it relates to individuals and related entities. Includes tax planning, compliance and reporting. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ACC 298* - Seminar and Project in Accounting

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 212*  and ACC 124*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation   

    Description: Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student’s occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field. Lecture 3 hours per week.

Administration of Justice

  • Course Outline

    ADJ 100 - Survey of Criminal Justice

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents an overview of the United States criminal justice system; introduces the major system components-law enforcement, judiciary, and corrections. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 105 - The Juvenile Justice System

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents the evolution, philosophy, structures and processes of the American juvenile delinquency system; surveys the rights of juveniles, dispositional alternatives, rehabilitation methods and current trends. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 107 - Survey of Criminology

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the volume and scope of crime; considers a variety of theories developed to explain the causation of crime and criminality. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 120 - Introduction to Courts

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents an overview of the American judiciary (the federal and 50 state judicial systems) with emphasis on criminal court structures, functions, and personnel; surveys the judicial system in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 130 - Introduction to Criminal Law

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the general principles of American criminal law, elements of major crimes, and basic steps of prosecution procedure. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 140 - Introduction to Corrections

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Focuses on societal responses to the offender. Traces the evolution of practices based on philosophies of retribution, deterrence, and rehabilitation. Reviews contemporary correctional activities and their relationships to other aspects of the criminal justice system. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 215 - Report Writing

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the basic mechanics and procedures of report writing; emphasizes clear, concise and accurate writing of communications as they relate to law enforcement records, investigations, and research. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 227 - Constitutional Law for Justice Personnel

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the basic guarantees of liberty described in the U. S. Constitution and the historical development of these restrictions on government power, primarily through U. S. Supreme Court decisions. Reviews rights of free speech, press, assembly, as well as criminal procedure guarantees (to counsel, jury trial, habeas corpus, etc.) as they apply to the activities of those in the criminal justice system. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 229 - Law Enforcement and the Community

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Considers current efforts by law enforcement personnel to achieve an effective working relationship with the community. Surveys and analyzes various interactive approaches of law enforcement agencies and the citizenry they serve. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 234 - Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the historical and current practices of terrorism that are national, transnational, or domestic in origin. Includes biological, chemical, nuclear, and cyber-terrorism. Teaches the identification and classification of terrorist organizations, violent political groups and issue-oriented militant movements. Examines investigative methods and procedures utilized in counter terrorist efforts domestically and internationally. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ADJ 236 - Principles of Criminal Investigation

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the fundamentals of criminal investigation procedures and techniques. Examines crime scene search, collecting, handling and preserving of evidence. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • ADJ 290* - Coordinated Internship in Administration of Justice

    (3 CR)
    Must pass background check. Student responsible for associated costs. Prerequisite(s): Thirty (30) credits completed successfully; Program Head approval.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.  Variable hours. Lecture 3 hours per week.

Administrative Support Technology

  • Course Outline

    AST 101 - Keyboarding I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches the alphanumeric keyboard with emphasis on correct techniques, speed, and accuracy. Teaches formatting of basic personal and business correspondence, reports, and tabulation. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 102* - Keyboarding II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops keyboarding and document production skills with emphasis on preparation of specialized business documents. Continues skill building for speed and accuracy. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 107 - Editing/Proofreading Skills

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops skills essential to creating and editing business documents. Covers grammar, spelling, diction, punctuation, capitalization, and other usage problems. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 113* - Keyboarding for Speed and Accuracy

    (1 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Focuses on improving keyboarding speed and accuracy through assigned exercises that diagnose problem areas. Emphasizes increased productivity through improved speed and accuracy. Lecture 1 hour per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 136 - Office Record Keeping

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces types of record keeping duties performed in the office, such as financial, tax, payroll, and inventory. Utilizes specialized software where applicable. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 141* - Word Processing I (Microsoft® Word)

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches creating and editing documents, including line and page layouts, columns, fonts, search/replace, cut/ paste, spell/ thesaurus, and advanced editing/formatting features of word processing software. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 153* - Introduction to Database Software: Microsoft Access

    (1 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ITE 115  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Provides first-time users with sufficient information to make practical use of database management software. Covers specific business applications. Students prepare for Core Microsoft Access MOS Exam.  Lecture 1 hour per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 155 - Introduction to Desktop Information Management

    (1 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches desktop information management to organize schedules through the calendar. Students learn how to manage electronic messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, and files. Students prepare for Core Microsoft Outlook MOS Exam. Lecture 1 hour per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 205* - Business Communications

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): A placement recommendation for ENG 111* , co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all required developmental English requirements.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches techniques of oral and written communications. Emphasizes writing and presenting business-related materials. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 232* - Microcomputer Office Applications

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101   

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches production of business documents using presentations, word processing, databases, and spreadsheets. Emphasizes document production to meet business and industry standards. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 238* - Word Processing Advanced Operations

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of AST 141*  with a “C” or better.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches advanced word processing features including working with merge files, macros, and graphics; develops competence in the production of complex documents. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 243* - Office Administration I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops an understanding of the administrative support role and the skills necessary to provide organizational and technical support in a contemporary office setting. Emphasizes the development of critical-thinking, problem-solving, and job performance skills in a business office environment. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 244* - Office Administration II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 243*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Enhances skills necessary to provide organizational and technical support in a contemporary office setting. Emphasizes administrative and supervisory role of the office professional. Includes travel and meeting planning, office budgeting and financial procedures, international issues, and career development. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 253* - Advanced Desktop Publishing I Microsoft Office 2013

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 101  and experience with Word Processing.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces specific desktop publishing software. Teaches document layout and design, fonts, type styles, style sheets, and graphics. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AST 254* - Advanced Desktop Publishing II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AST 253*   Corequisite(s): A laboratory co-requisite (AST 256) may be required.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents advanced features of desktop publishing software, culminating in the layout and design of complex multi-page documents. Lecture 3 hours per week.


  • AGR 141* - Introduction to Animal Science and Technology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): A placement recommendation for ENG 111* , co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements. 

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Introduces the science and technology involved in sustainable animal production and management practices. Includes beef, sheep, horses, dairy, swine, goats, and poultry, with emphasis on practical experiences in laboratory and farm settings.
      Lecture 3 hours per week. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • AGR 142* - Introduction to Plant Science and Technology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): A placement recommendation for ENG 111* , co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements. 

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer  

    Description: Introduces students to plant science, ecology, plant morphology, plant and soil relations and energy conversions. Includes surveying agricultural crops and their importance in the economy.  Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • AGR 143 - Introduction to Agribusiness and Financial Management

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Transfer  

    Description: Introduces agriculture’s importance to society and ways to start a farm or agribusiness. Evaluates forms of business including cooperatives and create financial statements and reports necessary for routine accounting and tax preparation. Utilizes financial tools for decision making, budgets and time value of money. Explores retirement, transition planning, personal financial management, and capital acquisition techniques.  Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

  • AIR 111 - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Controls I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents electron theory, magnetism, Ohm’s Law, resistance, current flow, instruments for electrical measurement, A.C. motors, power distribution controls and their application. Part I of II. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • AIR 112* - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Controls II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AIR 111  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents electron theory, magnetism, Ohm’s Law, resistance, current flow, instruments for electrical measurement, A.C. motors, power distribution controls and their application. Part II of II. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AIR 121 - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies refrigeration theory, characteristics of refrigerants, temperature, and pressure, tools and equipment, soldering, brazing, refrigeration systems, system components, compressors, evaporators, metering devices. Presents charging and evaluation of systems and leak detection. Explores servicing the basic system. Explains use and care of oils and additives and troubleshooting of small commercial systems. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AIR 122* - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AIR 121  

    Course Type: Not Intended for Transfer

    Description: Studies refrigeration theory, characteristics of refrigerants, temperature, and pressure, tools and equipment, soldering, brazing, refrigeration systems, system components, compressors, evaporators, metering devices. Presents charging and evaluation of systems and leak detection. Explores servicing the basic system. Explains use and care of oils and additives and troubleshooting of small commercial systems. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AIR 123* - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration III

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AIR 122*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Psychometric properties of air, heat load and gain calculation, heated and chilled water systems, duct, design, air distribution and air comfort requirements. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AIR 154* - Heating Systems I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AIR 122*  and AIR 112*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces types of fuels and their characteristics of combustion; types, components and characteristics of burners, and burner efficiency analyzers. Studies forced air heating systems including troubleshooting, preventive maintenance and servicing. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • AIR 190 - Coordinated Internship in A/C and Refrigeration

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.  Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • AIR 200 - Hydronics

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents design and installation of hydronic systems for heating and cooling. Includes steam heated and chilled water systems. Primarily concerns systems using water under forced circulation. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • AIR 210 - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Analysis

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Reviews principles of refrigeration and air conditioning. Studies components, types and applications. Includes types of refrigeration systems such as multistage and cascade, selection and balancing of major components, and absorption systems.   Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • AIR 213 - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Controls III

    (4 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces electrical, pneumatic and electronic control circuits as applied to year-round air conditioning systems. Includes reading wiring and schematic diagrams, troubleshooting, and designing high and low voltage control systems. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • AIR 278 - HVAC System Startup and Commissioning

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents the process for ensuring that a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system meets operational requirements and that it provides acceptable indoor air quality. Covers different levels of commissioning from basic to the actual re-commissioning evaluation. Includes functional performance testing, operator training, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) forms, and equipment data sheets as well as operational and maintenance manuals.  Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.

American Sign Language

  • Course Outline

    ASL 101 - American Sign Language I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL) used by the Deaf Community, including basic vocabulary, syntax, finger-spelling, and grammatical non-manual signals. Focuses on communicative competence. Develops gestural skills as a foundation for ASL enhancement. Introduces cultural knowledge and increases understanding of the Deaf Community. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ASL 102* - American Sign Language II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ASL 101  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL) used by the Deaf Community, including basic vocabulary, syntax, finger-spelling, and grammatical non-manual signals. Focuses on communicative competence. Develops gestural skills as a foundation for ASL enhancement. Introduces cultural knowledge and increases understanding of the Deaf Community. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ASL 201* - American Sign Language III

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ASL 102*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops vocabulary, conversational competence, and grammatical knowledge with a total immersion approach. Introduces increasingly complex grammatical aspects including those unique to ASL. Discusses culture and literature. Contact with the Deaf Community is encouraged to enhance linguistic and cultural knowledge. Lecture 3 hours per week.


  • Course Outline

    ARC 100 - Introduction to Architecture

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Outlines history and impact of architecture. Emphasizes dynamics and social aspects of architecture and society; focuses on 19th and 20th century architectural forms. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ARC 121 - Architectural Drafting I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces techniques of architectural drafting, including lettering, dimensioning, and symbols. Requires production of plans, sections, and elevations of a simple building. Studies use of common reference material and the organization of architectural working drawings. Requires development of a limited set of working drawings, including a site plan, related details, and pictorial drawings. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ARC 133 - Construction Methodology and Procedures I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies materials used in construction of buildings, covering foundations to structural framing systems. Includes appropriate use of materials for various construction types. Includes specification of materials and installation procedures; types of specifications and writing procedures; bidding procedures and, contract documents. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ARC 221* - Architectural CAD Applications Software I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): CAD 111*   

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches the principles and techniques of architectural drawing practices through the use of architecture specific CAD software. Utilizes the commands and features of the software to generate drawings that emphasize architectural design and structural systems. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.


  • Course Outline

    ART 101 - History and Appreciation of Art I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Passport Transfer Class 

    Description: Presents history and interpretation of architecture, sculpture, and painting. Begins with prehistoric art and follows the development of western civilization to present. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 102 - History and Appreciation of Art II

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Passport Transfer Class 

    Description: Presents history and interpretation of architecture, sculpture, and painting. Begins with prehistoric art and follows the development of western civilization to present. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 116 - Design for the Web I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the basic elements of web page design: typography, imagery, and color, and examines how they are combined to create effective layouts. Teaches organization of materials, sketching and concept development, site planning and various methods of construction. Lecture 2 hours. Studio Instruction 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 117* - Design for the Web II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 116  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Continues the study of design concepts introduced in Design for the Web I (ART 116 ). Concentrates on the addition of animation, sound, and interactivity to the web pages. Explores advanced design problems. Lecture 2 hours. Studio Instruction 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 121 - Drawing I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops basic drawing skills and understanding of visual language through studio instruction/lecture. Introduces concepts such as proportion, space, perspective, tone, and composition as applied to still life, landscape, and the figure. Uses drawing media such as pencil, charcoal, ink wash, and color media. Includes field trips and gallery assignments as appropriate. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 122* - Drawing II

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Develops basic drawing skills and understanding of visual language through studio instruction/lecture. Introduces concepts such as proportion, space, perspective, tone, and composition as applied to still life, landscape, and the figure. Uses drawing media such as pencil, charcoal, ink wash, and color media. Includes field trips and gallery assignments as appropriate. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 130 - Introduction to Multimedia

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the student to the basic components of multimedia: text, graphics, animation, sound, and video, and explores how they combine to create a multimedia product. Emphasizes the design aspects of multimedia projects and teaches the techniques required to develop a presentation. Lecture 2 hours. Studio Instruction 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 131 - Fundamentals of Design I

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Explores the concepts of two- and three-dimensional design and color. May include field trips as required. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 132 - Fundamentals of Design II

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Explores the concepts of two- and three-dimensional design and color. May include field trips as required. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 140 - Introduction to Graphic Skills

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Teaches basic studio skills and concepts. Emphasizes concept development and problem solving using traditional art materials and computer techniques. Uses current graphic software applications. Lecture 2 hours, Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 141* - Typography I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 131  and ART 140  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies the history of letter forms and typefaces and examines their uses in contemporary communications media. Emphasizes applications to specific design problems. Includes identification and specification of type, and uses current technologies for copy fitting and hands-on typesetting problems. Lecture 2 hours. Studio instruction 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 198 - Seminar and Project

    (2 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student’s occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field. Lecture 2 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 199 - Supervised Study

    (2 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor. Lecture 2 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 208 - Video Techniques

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Addresses the fundamentals of video technology and non-linear video editing. Focuses on the aesthetics of time-code editing using current industry software. Teaches a student to shoot and capture video and record and edit sound, and combine artwork, animation, video, and sound in the creation of professional-quality original video projects. Lecture 2 hours. Studio Instruction 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 220* - Advanced Design for the Web

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 116  and ART 117*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents advanced features of web design and technology used by designers. Explores advanced design problems. Lecture 2 hours. Studio Instruction 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 221* - Drawing III

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 121  and ART 122*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces advanced concepts and techniques of drawing as applied to figure, still life, and landscape. Gives additional instruction in composition, modeling, space, and perspective. Encourages individual approaches to drawing. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 222* - Drawing IV

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 221*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces advanced concepts and techniques of drawing as applied to figure, still life, and landscape. Gives additional instruction in composition, modeling, space, and perspective. Encourages individual approaches to drawing. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 243* - Watercolor I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 131  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents abstract and representational painting in watercolor, with emphasis on design, color, composition, technique, and value. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 244* - Watercolor II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 243*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents abstract and representational painting in watercolor, with emphasis on design, color, composition, technique, and value. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 247* - Painting Technique for Illustrators

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 132  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces materials and techniques used by the illustrator. Includes water-soluble paints (watercolor, acrylic, gouache), oil-based paints, and mixed media. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 250 - History of Design

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Surveys the development of graphic design and illustration with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. Analyzes the work of outstanding designers and illustrators. Lecture 3 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 251* - Communication Design I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 132  and ART 141*   

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies principles of visual communications as applied to advertising in newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising, house organs, etc.; studies these principles through both print design and web design. Analyzes the influence of contemporary art on design. Lecture 2 hours. Studio instruction 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 252* - Communication Design II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 132  and ART 141*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies principles of visual communications as applied to advertising in newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising, house organs, etc.; studies these principles through both print design and web design. Analyzes the influence of contemporary art on design. Lecture 2 hours. Studio instruction 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 282* - Graphic Techniques

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 132  and ART 141*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Focuses on using drawing instruments and materials. Introduces printing processes and mechanics of reproduction. Focuses on production and prepress issues as well as various technologies within the printing field. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 283* - Computer Graphics I

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 140  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Utilizes microcomputers and software to produce computer graphics. Employs techniques learned to solve studio projects, which reinforce instruction and are appropriate for portfolio use. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 284* - Computer Graphics II

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 140  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Utilizes microcomputers and software to produce computer graphics. Employs techniques learned to solve studio projects, which reinforce instruction and are appropriate for portfolio use. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 4 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    ART 287* - Portfolio and Resume Preparation

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): ART 141* , ART 251* , ART 282* , and ART 283*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Focuses on portfolio preparation, resume writing, and job interviewing for students. Recommended for final semester program students. Requires divisional approval. Lecture 1 hour. Studio instruction 2 hours. Total 3 hours per week.


  • Course Outline

    AUT 101 - Introduction to Automotive Systems

    (4 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces fundamental systems of automobile, the engine fuel, exhaust, electric, ignition, lubrication, cooling, transmission, steering, brake and suspension systems. Teaches theory and function of each system. Demonstrates operation. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours.
  • Course Outline

    AUT 126* - Auto Fuel and Ignition Systems

    (5 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): AUT 241  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies automobile ignition and fuel systems, their functions in operation of engine. Includes carburetors, fuel pumps, ignition systems, troubleshooting, engine test and adjustment, tune-up. Lecture 4 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 7 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AUT 165 - Auto Diagnosis and Tune-Up

    (2 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents the techniques for diagnosis of malfunctions in systems of the automobile. Uses dynamometers, oscilloscopes and other specialized diagnostic and testing equipment. Demonstrates tune-up of conventional and rotary engines. Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AUT 241 - Automotive Electricity I

    (4 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces electricity and magnetism, symbols, and circuitry as applied to the alternators, regulators, starters, lighting systems, instruments, and gauges and accessories. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AUT 265 - Automotive Braking System

    (4 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Presents operation, design, construction, repair, and servicing of braking system, including anti-lock brake systems (ABS). Explains uses of tools and test equipment, evaluation of test results, estimation of repair cost for power, standard, and disc brakes. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    AUT 266 - Auto Alignment, Suspension and Steering

    (4 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces use of alignment equipment in diagnosing, adjusting, and repairing front and rear suspensions. Deals with repair and servicing of power and standard steering systems. Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 6 hours. Total 7 hours per week.


  • Course Outline

    BIO 101* - General Biology I

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of MTE 1* , MTE 2* , MTE 3* , MTE 4* , and MTE 5* , and a placement recommendation for ENG 111* , co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements.

    Course Type: Passport Transfer Class 

    Description: Focuses on foundations in cellular structure, metabolism, and genetics in an evolutionary context. Explores the core concepts of evolution; structure and function; information flow, storage and exchange; pathways and transformations of energy and matter; and systems biology. Emphasizes process of science, interdisciplinary approach, and relevance of biology to society. Lecture 3 hours. Recitation and laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 102* - General Biology II

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 101*  

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Focuses on diversity of life, anatomy and physiology of organisms, and ecosystem organization and processes in an evolutionary context. Explores the core concepts of evolution; structure and function; information flow, storage and exchange; pathways and transformations of energy and matter; and systems biology. Emphasizes process of science, interdisciplinary approach, and relevance of biology to society. Lecture 3 hours. Recitation and laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 141* - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of BIO 101*  (C or better) or NAS 2* , or 75% or higher on the Anatomy Placement Exam within the past three years; an ENG 111*  placement recommendation, co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements.

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body. Integrates concepts of chemistry, physics and pathology. Lecture 3 hours per week. Laboratory 3 hours per week. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 142* - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of BIO 141*  with a grade of “C” or higher.

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. Integrates concepts of chemistry, physics and pathology. Lecture 3 hours per week. Laboratory 3 hours per week. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 150* - Introductory Microbiology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 101*  or BIO 141*  

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Studies the general characteristics of microorganisms. Emphasizes their relationships to individual and community health.  Lecture 3 hours. Recitation and Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 173* - Biology for Biotechnology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion  of MTE 1* MTE 2* MTE 3* MTE 4* , and MTE 5*   and a placement recommendation for ENG 111* , co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements.

    Course Type: Intended for Career Preparation  

    Description: Introduces the student to biological concepts essential to the understanding of biotechnology. Focuses on the structural organization, function, and chemical nature of the cell. Studies cellular processes such as membrane transport, information, processing, reproduction and heredity. Emphasizes laboratory methods of biotechnology. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 205* - General Microbiology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): One year of college biology and one year of college chemistry or divisional approval; an ENG 111*  placement recommendation, co-enrollment in ENF 3* /ENG 111* , or successful completion of all developmental English requirements.

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Examines morphology, genetics, physiology, ecology, and control of microorganisms. Emphasizes application of microbiological techniques to selected fields. Focuses on human pathogens and the process of pathogenicity. Lecture 3 hours. Recitation and laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 206* - Cell Biology

    (4 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 101*  and CHM 111* .

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Introduces the ultrastructure and functions of cells. Emphasizes cell metabolism, cell division, and control of gene expression. Lecture 3 hours. Recitation and laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 215 - Plant Life of Virginia

    (3 CR)
    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Focuses on identification and ecological relationships of the native plants of Virginia. Emphasizes the natural communities of trees, shrubs, herbacious plants, ferns and some invasive species. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
  • Course Outline

    BIO 220* - Immunology

    (3 CR)
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 101* , and BIO 150*  or BIO 205*  

    Course Type: Intended for Transfer 

    Description: Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the mammalian immune system. Students begin with a detailed study of the immune system components and move on to an integrated look at the immune response with respect to clinical applications and human health. Lecture 3 hours per week.

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